A Cup of Green

Featured items from: Population » Women

True Beauty, Christie Brinkley


Christie Brinkley is the original uptown girl and at 57 is still a total knockout.  Her beauty can really be seen in her philanthropy work for causes such as the Radiation and Public Health Project, Greenpeace, and the Waterkeeper Alliance. She’s been a vegetarian since the age of 12, and consistently works out. Here’s what she has to say about her diet, her body and her causes.

The main concept in her eating plan is to "go for as many colors as possible in a day".

“I wish my butt did not go sideways, but I guess I have to face... Read More

Nixing Depression with Niacin


Stress and unfulfilled expectations can make the holidays difficult sometimes; particularly if you suffer from depression. Depression is unfortunately common.  There is really no need to define it, we all basically know what it is: a mental disorder with symptoms of a depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide. About 850,000 lives are lost to it every year, world wide.

When it comes to depression we know the ‘what’ of it, but not really the ‘how’.  It’s... Read More

Win $50 worth of green gifts….

Win these Green Gifts

A Cup of Green is giving away $50 worth of Green Gifts to one lucky fan to use for themselves or to give as a gift to a planet friendly friend or family member.

The Eco-Logical Ribbon Gift Collection is..

The gift that keeps on giving, because the items inside are designed to help preserve the planet for generations to come. All of the eco-sensitive gifts reduce our carbon footprint in some way and they come from brands like Pollenex®, Sprout®, Cuisinart®, Titleist®, Bissell®, and LEGACY OF CLEAN™. View the items in the Eco-Logical Gift Collection here.


To win our $50 Green Ribbon giveaway you can do... Read More

Vaccines: What’s your choice?

vaccine bottle

Doing some research this a.m. I saw these two headliners side by side and thought, as fortunate as we are to have the knowledge we seek at the tip of our finger tips, it is a difficult task and responsibility we now have to seek the truth and understand the facts enough to make the right choices for us and our families!

In the past we had no social media, no viral videos, and no real time public opinions with out the filtration of the powers that be.  Now that we have all that it is us, the parents that... Read More

Marianne Williamson on why we should shine


The spiritual activist, author, lecturer and founder of The Peace Alliance shares some insight about how we can all help each other live a brighter, lighter life.


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