A Cup of Green

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The Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen (Infographic)


by Garrick Dee Tan
Not many people know about the negative effects that pesticides have to our bodies, particularly children. The effects on children can be devastating and these include – pediatric cancers, behavioral problems and decreased cognitive function according to the EWG. On adults, pesticides can lead to problems ranging from nausea to more serious ones like difficulty having children, endocrine disruption and cancer! (Gasp)
So it is important to take this very seriously, for me I use this guide to know when to go organic or conventional. Obviously for the Dirty Dozen, go organic. If you’re concerned about the expense then... Read More

Pesticide Precaution


by Garrick  Dee Tan

Pesticide has been a tool used by farmers to fight pesticide infestation in their crops, the question is how safe are these chemicals sprayed? A lot of debate has been going back and forth on this issue with one side saying that there is little scientific evidence that pesticides do harm to people and the other side saying that it is toxic both to people and the environment.

Some even go as far as saying that organic items are fraud since it is more expensive but have very little additional nutritional benefits compared to conventional but in... Read More

Boost Your Immune System for the Flu/Cold Season

imune system lady

Ever wondered how to boost your immune system and prepare yourself for the flu season?  The best prescription is always prevention so read on and find out how the experts do it!
 Then information below can be found at they also post a wide array of healing topics using nourishing foods. They are a great resource to keep close to you medicine cabinet :)

Make bone broth – use apple cider vinegar to draw out minerals in the bones you use, and also use garlic and onions which are anti-fungal and very healing.
Drink raw milk from a clean source.... Read More

Super Dips for Super Bowl


3 Easy Organic Dips To Enjoy and Share on Super Bowl Weekend

Super Bowl is perhaps one of the most important snacking events of the year!  You can skip the Crock Pot full of little sausages and barbecue sauce, platters of fried chicken wings, and gelatinous tub of queso and still impress with bold, flavorful, delicious organic recipes.  Take a look at a few of our favorite easy homemade organic dip recipes that will be sure to please your crowd!  Any of the recipes can be doubled depending on the size of your winning crowd!

Touchdown Hummus


Serving 3-5

2 15.5 oz. cans... Read More

Chipotle Black Bean and Toasted Quinoa Burgers

chipotle black bean

Meals by Mala
½ cup dry quinoa
1 cup water
1/2 tsp. hot chili oil
1 tsp. avocado oil (olive oil will work fine as well)
1/2 large red onion, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. ground sea salt
1 (15 oz) can black beans, drained and rinsed
2 tbsp. tomato paste
1 large egg
2/3 cup frozen corn
1/2 cup cilantro, chopped
1 chipotle in adobo, minced
2 tsp. ground cumin
1/2 cup whole flaked oats
1/4 cup oat flour

Heat a dry saucepan on medium-high heat. Add quinoa and toast for 3-4 minutes until quinoa begins to give off a nutty smell and it begins to turn golden. Add water and chili... Read More

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