A Cup of Green

Featured items from: Population » Elderly

Win $50 worth of green gifts….

Win these Green Gifts

A Cup of Green is giving away $50 worth of Green Gifts to one lucky fan to use for themselves or to give as a gift to a planet friendly friend or family member.

The Eco-Logical Ribbon Gift Collection is..

The gift that keeps on giving, because the items inside are designed to help preserve the planet for generations to come. All of the eco-sensitive gifts reduce our carbon footprint in some way and they come from brands like Pollenex®, Sprout®, Cuisinart®, Titleist®, Bissell®, and LEGACY OF CLEAN™. View the items in the Eco-Logical Gift Collection here.


To win our $50 Green Ribbon giveaway you can do... Read More

Vaccines: What’s your choice?

vaccine bottle

Doing some research this a.m. I saw these two headliners side by side and thought, as fortunate as we are to have the knowledge we seek at the tip of our finger tips, it is a difficult task and responsibility we now have to seek the truth and understand the facts enough to make the right choices for us and our families!

In the past we had no social media, no viral videos, and no real time public opinions with out the filtration of the powers that be.  Now that we have all that it is us, the parents that... Read More

Does Water have a Memory?


The video below shows examples of water retaining information. Not like a computer, but maybe it the most simple and advanced computer, ever.  Check it out and let us know what you think!

Coffee Dilemma: How to Choose Which Good Cause will Get My Money


by Danielle Renee Lee

I went to the store to buy some organic, light roasted ground coffee for enemas. Yes, my beloved boyfriend and I are going to do a coffee enema. That experience will be posted soon ;)

So I found a brand, Allegro and just needed to choose a light roast. There was no need to be particular on the taste, since there are no taste-buds where the coffee is going! My decision was between a breakfast blend and a blend from Mexico. One of them had a logo noting it was Fair Trade certified and the other had... Read More

Poop Happens: What is your stool telling you?


How is your poop? Yes, I did just ask that. It is a bit taboo of a topic, but it is something we all have in common. Our stool is  an indicator of our health. Take a look below to make sure you are on the right, brown track. ;)


TYPE 1 Separate hard lumps, like nuts. Harder to  pass
This indicates that you have a lack of fibre, insufficient fluid intake and a slow transit time. Increase your intake of water, herbal teas, raw fruit and vegetables, cooked grains such as brown rice, quinoa and millet, sprouted pulses,... Read More

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