A Cup of Green

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Recipe of the Month: Pumpkin Custard


Pumpkin Custard by
The below is directly from
Faintly sweet and deeply nourishing, finds its way to our Thanksgiving table each year.  One of my favorite desserts, pumpkin custard is suitable for those who adhere to gluten- or grain-free diets, serving as a perfect and elegant substitute for classic pumpkin pie.  I love the gentle sweetness, the rich and creamy texture of a good custard.  It’s a humble food, but elegant, too. A... Read More

Recipe of the Month: Non-Dairy Cream

coffee and non dairy creamer

Non Dairy Cream

1 can (non light) can of coconut milk
one pastured egg
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 tsp of vanilla (optional)

Pour coconut milk in processor then add egg slowly then coconut oil and vanilla if desired.

Should keep for about a week in refrigerator.

Recipe thanks to Patty from "following my nose blog"

To read the whole article and other great recipes please visit Patty at:

Please note i made a few adjustments from original recipe to emphasize a dense diet.

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