A Cup of Green

Featured items from: Education » Resources

ACOG Recommended Film: The World According to Monsanto


Let’s just say you’ve never heard of the corporation, Monsanto. You are neutral and this documentary just happened to be on. Well, prepare to be saddened and infuriated. From the perspective of someone who despises this company, the documentary just amplified my thoughts about them. It also reminded me that Monsanto has its claws in just about every area of food production that they can.

The film touches on the monopoly they have on genetically... Read More

Seeding Actions


The future can be brighter when we're growing for giving

Seeding Actions is a program dedicated to educating the youth while giving back to the community.  Working together with schools and community leaders, the Seeding Actions program focuses on improving children’s experience with food by reconnecting them to nature through hands on edible gardening workshops and reallocating grown plants back to community gardens.

Seeding Actions focuses on creating a bond between children and their daily foods. ... Read More



A festival that seeks to develop a universal movement that embraces green living and creative expression through music, art and culture!

ACOG is more than honored and proud to be a part of the 2011 Bayside Rocks Festival. If you are in south Florida on November 19th, 2011 make sure to join in on this joyful, conscious event dubbed “A concert on the green to keep the environment clean”.

Bayside Rocks is a 100% eco-friendly and... Read More

To be a Whole(-istic) Person


"The health of your body influences what you experience in your mind.  There is no split.  If you can engage your whole spirit in the pursuit of total fitness - not just your intellect, not just your emotions - but instead everything inside you that is truly you, you’ll discover what it is to be a whole person." -David Patchell-Evans

WISE TRADITIONS 2011, International Conference

Weston A Price

WISE TRADITIONS 2011-Twelfth International Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation

The nations premier nutrition conference! With a showcase for Delicious Traditional Food.  A Unique Opportunity for Health Professionals and Laymen interested in Diet and Health.  WAPF Networking, Friendship and Fun.

Who Should Attend Wise Traditions?

Doctors, nurses, nutritionists, dietitians, parents, students, food writers, food providers, farmers, public servants, teachers, patients, activists, agriculture professionals, people interested in nutrition, people with no interest in nutrition, people who love to... Read More

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